Spinning Wool Workshop

Join us this Sunday as we host a sheep wool spinning workshop.

Learn the craft of an age-old tradition and gain a deeper understanding of animal husbandry, fleece processing, land stewardship and contributing a climate-beneficial impact on textiles.

When we talk about wool being sustainable, it’s not only because is it both renewable and biodegradable, sheep are also part of the natural carbon cycle, consuming the organic carbon stored in plants and converting it to wool. Sheep raised in methods that can sequester carbon back into the ground, as opposed to sending it into the atmosphere, are reducing their carbon footprint and creating a beneficial impact on the environment. When grass-fed sheep graze on pasture that has been intentionally managed to implement practices such as holistic & rotational grazing, the fibres themselves become climate beneficial, simply from being a by-product of sequestering carbon back down into the soil.

We’ll be bringing along a selection of fleeces from various North West farms + breeds, which we will learn to card and spin. There’s a couple of tickets remaining!

James Galton