Collecting Waste Wool


Yesterday we collected three bags of wool from a hill farm in Buxworth, Derbyshire to prevent it from being burnt. Throughout the winter months we will be putting it to good use both in the restaurant & on @_thelanding_

A sharp fall in the value of wool has resulted in farmers burning it because the price no longer covers the cost of shearing.

Wool now generates as little as 20-30p per kilo, which has led to hundreds of thousands of tonnes of British wool being wasted.

For our first event, we are running a Communal Felting workshop. The sheep’s wool will be wet felted, one of the oldest known textiles, into sheets for The Landing. The sheets will protect growth from frost or heavy snow by covering beds.

This workshop is suitable for no dig enthusiast & creatives, who can put the skills learnt into practice.

James Galton